Some of us love movies rather than shows. Some of us prefer comedy, some love horror, some of us are even hopeless romantics, but I personally love action and adventure movies. I like the suspense they deliver and just not knowing what will happen next. The movie “Damsel” executes this objective very well.
Hundreds of years after Prince Henry’s ancestors killed the dragon’s babies, his family has to bring 3 of their blood relatives to the monster as compensation. As the first sacrifice, they pick someone from an island far away, Princess Elodie (played by Millie Bobby Brown). A beautiful, intelligent young woman who loved her kingdom. Little does she know, her marrying the prince is all a trap. Prince Henry throws her into a cave with the 1,000-year-old fire breathing dragon, where she relies on her wits and strengths to escape the maze and save herself.
Overall, after watching “Damsel,” I think it was a great movie. The action and suspense left me on the edge of my seat – and the acting! The acting was exceptional. At the end of the day, Millie Bobby Brown fit the role perfectly. The emotion displayed by her played into the plot beautifully.