The Poteau color guard is looking into making a big splash in the competitions of the winter guard season. Coach Ashley Moore’s biggest goal she wants to accomplish during winter guard is to grow stronger as a team. “I would love to see us place in the top 6 at our competitions.” Coach Moore is going to help them achieve their goals by scheduling more practices and host team bonding events.
Brooklyn Townsend’s main goal she looks forward to most during the upcoming season is to have her skills increase tremendously. She wants to place at least top 5 at the competitions. “I would like to have an amazing and successful show for this winter guard season.”
Kelsey Crase’s main goal for winter guard is to try their absolute hardest, stating, “Winter guard is showing our abilities as a whole.” At the end of the day, she said it’s all about coming together and will show our hard work by the end of the season.
Bailee Rodgers’s goal for the season is to be very competitive this season. “My goal is to learn new things, get better, and beat Checotah.” She’d like to learn her double 45 and become better with the rifle. Another thing Bailee would like to succeed in over the winter guard season is to learn how to use the saber.
London Willhite’s goals are to learn new tosses and to improve them. “I want to be able to become closer with our group.” London hopes that she will have a great time on the trips we make to their competitions, and to enjoy spending time with the team.