This year at Poteau High School the spring musical is Pippin! “Pippin” is about a boy who is soon to be king. He feels unsatisfied and he searches for his purpose in life. Grant Thomas who plays Pippin and Danika Tom Leading Player, are just a few of the lead roles in the musical. “Pippin is one of my dream roles, so this one is very important to me to make sure I do well!” Grant has found the role very important to him. Meanwhile Danika discovered that this production has really pushed her outside of her comfort zone. “Taking on this role has helped me become so much more comfortable with myself and my abilities.” This musical is taking extra preparation and requires everyone to put in lots of effort. “We are having three multi hour rehearsals a week with constant work and preparation.” Committing to the musical is no easy feat. “Memorization is always hard, since I am the lead on this one, it is important to me to get all that packed into my brain,” Thomas says. Staying on track is also important when memorizing and practicing.“We all help each other out when we notice our minds are wandering elsewhere, but it doesn’t take a lot,” Danika shares. Along with practicing and all the hard work it takes, there are many enjoyable things while practicing as well. “My favorite part has to be the dancing. Seeing it all come together at rehearsals has been amazing,” Danika shares how practicing is fun while also productive because of the progress made during rehearsals. “The singing and dancing with my friends is just special, I love that part of practice,” Grant adds. We want to wish the whole cast of “Pippin” the best of luck and this performance will be April 14 – April 16th, make sure to come support these students and the arts!